Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How do I know what score to aim for on the new SAT?

The Official SAT Study Guide Online: How do I know what SAT score to aim for?

When preparing to study for the new SAT, a good rule-of-thumb for deciding what score you should aim for is to take a practice test and then aim for 300 points higher than your first practice test score.

Why?  Because the new SAT is all a very healthy mixture of general knowledge and critical thinking strategies.  When studying for the SAT, you will have the most success if you first target your general-knowledge weaknesses and then focus your efforts on learning combined strategies, tips, and tricks for raising your SAT score.

By focusing your efforts on brushing up on the newly-discovered weaknesses and learning simple SAT test-taking strategies, it is not only feasible, but also very probable that you can easily raise your score by 300 points from your original practice test score.

In other words, if you take an SAT practice test and score around a 1400, then it is an easy goal to brush up on weaknesses and strategies and quickly raise your score to around a 1700.  If you initially score a 1600, you can quickly raise that average score to a 1900.  I could keep going, but you get the idea.

The Official SAT Guide Online focuses on the strategies needed to ace the SAT, as well as crash-courses for each category of the new SAT.

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